ElysiaJS : Helpful Guide on Fast and Friendly Bun Framework

In this article, we’ll learn about ElysiaJS Overview.

What is ElysiaJS

ElysiaJS is a fast, and friendly Bun web framework that is designed to make it easy to build modern web applications

It is designed to be simple, flexible, and performant. Elysia JS also has a strong focus on type safety, and it can generate API documentation with Swagger with a single line of code.

Designed with TypeScript in mind, you don’t need to understand TypeScript to take advantage of Elysia. The library understands what you want and automatically infers the type from your code.

Take a look at this:

new Elysia()
    .get('/id/:id', (({ params: { id }}) => id))

Elysia understands that you want a path parameter name id. The library then registers id as a type in params.

Elysia is a full-featured server framework with Express-like syntax, type inference, middleware, file uploads, and plugins for JWT authentication, tRPC, and more.


  • Performance: Elysia JS is designed to be fast and performant. It uses several techniques to improve performance, such as lazy loading and pre-compiling templates.
  • Scalability: Elysia JS is designed to be scalable. It can handle a large number of concurrent requests without any problems.
  • Security: Elysia JS has several security features built in, such as CSRF protection and XSS prevention.
  • Flexibility: You shall be able to customize most of the library to fit your need
  • Simplicity: Simple building blocks to create an abstraction, not repeating yourself

To create an ElysiaJS application, you first need to define a set of handlers. For example, you might have a handler for the /users endpoint that returns a list of all users. You can also define handlers for specific HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

ElysiaJS is a powerful and flexible web framework that can be used to create a wide variety of web applications. It is also very easy to learn and use, making it a good choice for both beginners and experienced developers.


Before starting installation. you must have pre-installed bun js on your device. If you want to install bun js on Windows, you must install the Linux subsystem, WSL. You can follow https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install to install WSL
You can follow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7sc20jDpbk video for instructions to install bun js to your Windows device.

Step 1: Go to your project directory and run the “bun create elysia my-elysia” command in your terminal to start the installation. It will install a new Elysia application in the “my-elysia” directory.

Step 2: Now, go to your project directory by running the “cd my-elysia” command in your terminal

Step 3: Open src/index.ts, and you should see the following code:

import { Elysia } from "elysia";

const app = new Elysia().get("/", () => "Hello Elysia").listen(3000);

`🦊 Elysia is running at ${app.server?.hostname}:${app.server?.port}`

Step 4: You can run the development server by running the “bun dev” command and :

Step 5: After running the above command you will see the output by opening your browser and going to http://localhost:3000.

You can follow the below video for the whole installation process:

Advantages and Disadvantages:


  • Fast and performant: ElysiaJS is designed to be rapid and performant. It makes use of some of the strategies to enhance performance, which include lazy loading and pre-compiling templates.
  • Scalable: Elysia JS is designed to be scalable. It can manage a massive quantity of concurrent requests with no problems.
  • Secure: Elysia JS has some protection functions constructed in, which include CSRF safety and XSS prevention.
  • Easy to examine and use: ElysiaJS may be very smooth to examine and use. It has an easy and intuitive API.
  • Flexible: Elysia JS may be very flexible. It helps many templating engines, routing functions, and dependency injection.
  • Well-documented: ElysiaJS has remarkable documentation. The documentation is clear, concise, and smooth to understand.
  • Good network support: ElysiaJS has an amazing network of customers and developers. There is lots of assistance to be had at the ElysiaJS Discord server and GitHub repository.


  • New framework: ElysiaJS is an extraordinarily new framework. It continues to be below development, and there are a few capabilities that aren’t implemented.
  • Limited surroundings: ElysiaJS has a constrained surrounding of third-birthday birthday celebration libraries and packages.
  • Limited Resources: ElysiaJS isn’t always as famous as different internet frameworks, along with Express and Rails. This method that there are fewer assets to be had for ElysiaJS developers.




Overall, Elysia JS is a promising internet framework with quite a few potential. It is fast, performant, scalable, secure, and clean to analyze and use.

However, it’s miles nevertheless below development, and it has a constrained surrounding and community. If you’re seeking out a mature and well-hooked-up internet framework, then Elysia JS might not be the satisfactory choice for you.

However, in case you are seeking out a fast, performant, and scalable internet framework that is simple to analyze and use, then Elysia JS is a top-notch choice.