WordPress Interview Questions and Answers 2

WordPress is popular CMS. A list of the top frequently asked WordPress interview questions and answers is given in this article.

WordPress, the most widely used content management system (CMS) in the world, powers millions of websites. Whether you’re a developer, designer, or aspiring WordPress enthusiast, it’s essential to be well-prepared for interviews related to WordPress. To help you navigate your next WordPress interview questions and answers with confidence, we have compiled a comprehensive list of commonly asked WordPress interview questions and answers and provided expert answers.

From basic concepts to advanced topics, this blog post will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to impress your interviewer. Let’s dive in!

WordPress Interview Questions and Answers

see below the WordPress Interview Questions and Answers:

1) What are the differences between Posts and Pages?

Posts are for timely content. They have a publish date and are displayed in reverse chronological order on your blog page. They’re what you should think of when you hear the term blog post. Pages are for static, timeless content.

2) Define OAuth2?

It is a protocol that allows the applications for interacting with blogs on WordPress.com

3) Explain about $wpdb variable in WordPress.

$wpdb is a variable that stores the WordPress database object. It can be utilized to perform custom database activities. It gives the most secure intends for the WordPress database.

4) What is the latest version of WordPress?

The latest version of WordPress is 5.8 released on July 20, 2021.

5) What is the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org

The difference is in who’s hosting your site. With org, YOU host your website or blog. This is where you find the open source software to download.-com, THEY host for you.

6) What are the hooks? Define different types of hooks in WordPress.

Hooks enable users to create WordPress themes or plug-ins with shortcode without changing the original files.

There are two types of hooks:

Action hooks: Action hooks facilitate you to insert an additional code from an outside resource.

Filter hooks: Filter hooks facilitate you to add content or text at the end of the post.

7) What is a permalink in WordPress?

Permalinks are the permanent Full URLs to your website blog posts and pages, as well as your tag archives and category. It is the web address used to link to your content. WordPress allows us to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. It can improve the usability and forward compatibility of your website’s links.

This section can be located in

Settings → Permalinks

8) What is the default table prefix in WordPress?


9) How to check if any plugin is active in WordPress?

With the method is_plugin_active() we can check any particular plugin is active or not.

How to check

include_once( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/plugin.php’ );

if ( is_plugin_active( ‘plugin-directory/plugin-file.php’ ) ) {
   // Activated

10) Which ‘meta box’ is not hidden by default on Post and Page screens?

Featured Image is the meta box that is not hidden by default on Post and Page screens.

11) Explain Avatar and Gravatar in WordPress.

Word Avatar is used for a user’s profile image in online communications. Gravatar is a web-based service which allows its users to use the Avatar image.

12) How to run database Query on WordPress?

WordPress’s query function allows you to execute any SQL query on the WordPress database. It is best used when there is a need for specific, custom, or otherwise complex SQL queries. For more basic queries, such as selecting information from a table, see the other wpdb functions above such as get_results, get_var, get_row or get_col.

<?php $wpdb->query('query'); ?> 

Read more from https://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/wpdb#Running_General_Queries

13) Which licensing authority is responsible for WordPress?

WordPress is licensed under GPLv2 (GNU General Public License) which makes it free and open-source software. Each copy of WordPress has a licensed copy with it.

14) What are the template tags in WordPress? List some of them.

In WordPress template tags are PHP functions that are used to display information dynamically or customize blog template. Below are the list of some generally used template tags in WordPress
Read More about WordPress template tags from https://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags

Above WordPress Interview Questions and Answers helps you in interviews.

By familiarizing yourself with these WordPress interview questions and answers, you’ll be better prepared to showcase your expertise and passion for WordPress during interviews. Remember to not only memorize the answers but also understand the underlying concepts.

WordPress offers endless possibilities for website creation and management, and your knowledge of its core functionalities, themes, plugins, and performance optimization will undoubtedly make you stand out. Good luck with your WordPress interviews! I hope this article helps you with interview preparation in this WordPress Interview Questions and Answers article.